🛠️ STONchronicles – STON.fi Blog https://ston.blog Updates and announcements from the STON.fi team Sun, 04 Feb 2024 10:12:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://ston.blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-favicon-32x32.png 🛠️ STONchronicles – STON.fi Blog https://ston.blog 32 32 The Great Fix™ is complete. https://ston.blog/the-great-fix-is-complete/ https://ston.blog/the-great-fix-is-complete/#respond Thu, 01 Feb 2024 10:10:05 +0000 https://ston.blog/?p=814 Over the past few weeks, we have been working diligently on a number of improvements aimed at optimizing DEX performance by strengthening its internal structure. We are proud to announce that The Great Fix™ is complete, and you can now witness an improved version of DEX.

The Great Fix™ includes:

  1. Users now always see the correct token value in dollar equivalent. We have improved the complex algorithm on the backend, and it is now capable of accurately determining asset values even under high blockchain or DEX loads.
  2. From time to time, we restart DEX to add a new feature or perform technical maintenance. As part of The Great Fix™, we have improved the service update process — users will no longer experience inconvenience during reboots.
  3. Along with the number of users, the number of processed requests has also increased. We have reworked the algorithm that displays balances and significantly reduced the time it takes for users to receive complete information about their assets. No more delays during authorization!
  4. APY in liquidity pools is now calculated using an improved algorithm and is always displayed correctly.
  5. Retrieving data from the blockchain when providing liquidity is now much faster, which has accelerated the display of data in the interface. Providing liquidity to STON.fi DEX has become even more convenient!
  6. The logic for obtaining token metadata has also been reworked. Now all token icons are displayed correctly.
  7. We have improved the process of sending requests and receiving notifications about the status of operations from the blockchain. The client’s response time during any interaction and any operation is significantly reduced.
  8. Now STON.fi DEX uses its own nodes on TON Blockchain. This directly affects the performance and stability of the service during overloads.
  9. Cache algorithms have been optimized. Now DEX can process large volumes of data without compromising the performance.
  10. The algorithm for creating new pools has been changed. Now transactions for creating a new pool can be sent in one click, which increases the convenience of DEX for advanced users.

We responsibly declare: STON.fi DEX is ready for anything. Neither thousands of new users nor high blockchain loads are scary from now on. But that’s not all! We continue to work hard on new DEX features and get closer to perfection every day.

Stay tuned.

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#STONchronicles. OMNISTON: TON Liquidity in One Service https://ston.blog/stonchronicles-omniston-ton-liquidity-in-one-service/ https://ston.blog/stonchronicles-omniston-ton-liquidity-in-one-service/#respond Fri, 08 Dec 2023 08:56:43 +0000 https://ston.blog/?p=695 ⚡ Stonfiers! At The Gateway conference, we announced the Omniston protocol, which will solve the problem of liquidity shortage by combining TON liquidity within TON Space. It’s time to tell you more about the future protocol.

What is Omniston?

Omniston is a decentralized liquidity protocol that uses market makers instead of traditional liquidity providers. The RFQ mechanism will allow traders who have created a swap request to get the best price request among market makers’ offers — and then make a deal directly, without bridges or centralized services. Our smart contracts guarantee that only the transaction participants will have access to the funds.

What advantages will Omniston provide?

Maximum security. When using our protocol, there is no need for deposits to access trading, and funds will move through blockchain networks using smart contracts. The user will send assets to the smart contract directly at the time of the transaction, meaning no risks or doubts.

Real zero-trust exchanges. No need to trust a third party: access to the trader’s and market maker’s funds will be available only to the transaction participants.

Your control your own funds. Combining secure on-chain exchanges with off-chain orders will allow you to create an optimal token trading service with minimal fees. Each transaction participant will receive exactly as many tokens as stated in the order at the time of confirmation.

Absolute transparency. Transaction information is available on the blockchain. Thanks to the RFQ mechanism, the trader will know the exact volume of tokens given and received, and will forget about slippage forever.

Unified TON liquidity in one service. No more fragmentation of liquidity between platforms: users will have access to a multitude of unique projects, and projects will have access to millions of TON Space users.

Here’s what we’ve already achieved:

  1. We have integrated the Request for Quote (RFQ) mechanism into the messenger-protocol between the trader and the market maker.
  2. We have developed and tested HTLC (Hashed Timelock Contracts) and contracts for exchanges within the TON network. Now the transaction occurs strictly at the rate fixed when the trader and the market maker create the request. Both trading parties receive the volume of tokens they originally calculated.
  3. We have integrated the mechanism for collecting referral fees. Those who have integrated our protocol into their service will receive them.

What to expect from Omniston in the future?

More unique projects in Omniston. Omniston can be integrated into any product. Our SDK is open source and will remain open source forever.

Swaps between networks. Omniston is our first step towards implementing the cross-chain. We are already developing cross-chain exchanges that will not only simplify asset exchanges between networks, but also solve the problem of exchange routing in asynchronous blockchains.

Welcome to the future. Stay tuned.

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#STONchronicles: How We Integrate the Database into the Cross-chain DEX https://ston.blog/stonchronicles-how-we-integrate-the-database-into-the-cross-chain-dex/ https://ston.blog/stonchronicles-how-we-integrate-the-database-into-the-cross-chain-dex/#respond Fri, 13 Oct 2023 10:54:00 +0000 https://ston.blog/?p=640 In the previous article, we explained what steps we have already taken to create the cross-chain feature. Now we are developing an internal database for operations storing. So why did we choose this approach instead of using blockchain?

Financial performance. Sending messages between traders and market makers will be off-chain according to the Request For Quote (RFQ) protocol, which means that no fees will be required from blockchain. The assets rate is constantly changing, and effective trading requires up-to-date transaction information.

Operating speed. Trading will occur between different blockchains, and they usually have different block time (in TON Blockchain, for example, a new block appears every 5 seconds). An internal database will allow instant messaging regardless of the computing power of both blockchains.

Security. The database will contain only messages with requests for exchange — this is how the RFQ protocol works. Assets will be moved exclusively within blockchains, which guarantees the complete safety of our users’ funds.

Security, transaction speed and cost-effectiveness of trade — these are our top priorities in developing our unique cross-chain functionality.

Stay tuned!

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#STONchronicles. Cross-chain: What We Have Achieved https://ston.blog/stonchronicles-cross-chain-what-we-have-achieved/ https://ston.blog/stonchronicles-cross-chain-what-we-have-achieved/#respond Mon, 02 Oct 2023 12:13:06 +0000 https://ston.blog/?p=634 In previous posts, we explained why cross-chain exchanges are necessary and why our cross-chain functionality will be especially convenient for users. Today, we will discuss what we’ve accomplished.

The top priority in cross-chain technology is ensuring reliability and security for users and their assets. To ensure this, it was imperative to develop and test the prototype and the initial internal versions. We are pleased to announce that we have already achieved the following:

  1. Integrated the Request for Quote (RFQ) mechanism into the messaging protocol between traders and market makers (equivalent to liquidity providers in RFQ DEX). The protocol is operational, and transaction participants can now exchange offers at predetermined prices.
  2. Developed and thoroughly tested HTLC (Hashed Timelock Contracts). These contracts enable us to lock in the exchange rate for the duration of the transaction, ensuring that both parties receive the exact amount of tokens they initially anticipated.
  3. Successfully conducted test token exchanges between the TON and TRON networks!

Ongoing tasks include:

  1. Developing an internal database to store transactions. We will explain why relying solely on the blockchain for this purpose is not advisable in upcoming episodes of #STONchronicles.
  2. Launching a synchronization service between the internal database and the TON and TRON networks.
  3. Establishing a notification system for bidders.
  4. Preparing for high-volume transaction processing between the TON and TRON blockchains.
  5. Designing the user interface.

These components, in conjunction with the already developed smart RFQ and HTLC, form the foundation of the DEX cross-chain platform. This platform will facilitate token exchanges between blockchains at fixed rates, without slippage, without the need for bridges and wrapped liquidity ✨

Stay tuned!

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